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Your Rundown of Running Out of Time, Proudly Sponsored By DriveElectric

We’re always looking to support organisations that feel just as passionate about getting on the road to NetZero as we are - and this is no exception. Read ahead to discover everything you need to know about the relay race, from the start to the finish line and everything in between. Needless to say, there’s plenty of nature-preserving action to get involved with…

What is Running Out of Time?

Taking place from 10th June - 11th July, this sporting celebration brings people all across the country (including local schools, communities, individuals and the national government) to take part in tackling climate change together. Just like us, they believe that if we commit to protecting our planet today then we can drive towards a greener tomorrow. 

Because whenever we’re running out of time, we can always run faster. 

How does it work?

Spanning a mind-blowing 2,661km from Ben Nevis to Big Ben, Running Out of Time will be travelling through 50 cities and towns that boast stunning nature scenes such as National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

There will be 366 stages in total, ranging from 2-30 km in length. Running from sunrise to sunset for 32 days, the baton bearers are in this climate change battle to win it. And we’re delighted to support the fantastic feats involved to make it happen.

Running Out of Time Relay Stage #331 (DriveElectric stage)

What else can you do along the way?

There will be plenty of places for the participants and all their friends and families to visit, too. From iconic landmarks, historic monuments and community projects right through to sports venues, schools and universities, this will be a whole world away from the relay’s that you’re used to watching from the sidelines at Sports Day… or on your sofa. 

If you live in Buckinghamshire or you happen to be visiting on 8th July, you can join the DriveElectric team on stage #331! It’s an idyllic 5km route that runs along a picturesque leafy shaded path by the River Thames, starting in Cookham and finishing in Maidenhead.

Who can take part?

Want to give it a go, but haven’t had the running shoes out for a while? No worries there. You don’t actually need to be an avid runner. In fact, once you’ve grabbed that baton, you can wheel, walk or even cycle to pass it to the next person. So long as you’re 18 or over and meet the requirements, you’re all good to go!

Before you go… have you made your Planet Pledge?

During the course of the relay, Running Out of Time encourages participants to get involved with a few Planet Pledges to make the event as sustainable and impactful as possible. From giving veganism a whirl and volunteering at environmental projects right through to spending more time in nature as part of Great Big Green Week - inspiring positive change has never been so fun.

Pledge 1 - Get there greener - travel low carbon to my relay stage.

Pledge 2 - Attend a local climate or nature event for Great Big Green Week

Pledge 3 - Get together with others in my local community to take positive action.